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Benefits of almonds to revitalize the body.

Benefits of almonds to revitalize the body

A recent American study added to other studies on the countless benefits of almonds

Benefits of almonds to revitalize the body

A study conducted by  conducted by "Purdue" University, in the state of inactivity in the United States, focusing on the eating area after meals that can be eaten by adding almonds to ready meals.
Consisting of the production and production of almonds in the USA, almond production produces 80% of the production of almonds worldwide.
The study revealed in the study that conducted the study for a period of 12 days, and throughout the inactivity period, the study focused on the meals that were prepared in the meals.
And this was proven by people who joined this experiment in tests of memory and attention strength that they put in after a period of 12 months.
Almonds have a high nutritional value and have many benefits, and the oil extracted from sweet almonds is used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, softens and strengthens dry skin, calms and accelerates skin diseases and superficial burns, calms the middle ear and restores the drum.
It helps in reducing the level of cholesterol in the blood, and sweet seeds have analgesic effects, and they are anti-spasmodic and anemia (restorative) to the lack of minerals in the body and aid in a 
peaceful sleep.

Almonds contain the amino acids necessary to stimulate the body to produce a molecule called "nitric oxide", which helps relax narrow blood vessels, as well as stimulates blood circulation in the human body. This is confirmed by many studies, indicating that almonds also help reduce cholesterol levels. Harmful in the human body, because it contains unsaturated fats, as well as fiber and vegetable protein, and minerals beneficial to heart health, such as magnesium, copper, manganese, and calcium.

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